Wednesday 10 July 2013

Cuba 5th July

Cuba 5th


I am now feeling sick in the stomach. I have spent all day trying to get some money out of my spare travel card. The card won't work with any Cuban bank, so i rang ANZ, the lady on the phone said that no ANZ card will work with any Cuban bank. So i am stuck with 5 nights left in Cuba, no accommodation paid for, i am a 5 hour bus ride away from Havana, where i fly out of, that will cost at least $30 and i only have $80 in cash. I feel so sick and empty inside, but i can't eat anything, my mind won't stop going crazy thinking what i am going to do. Even once i am back in Mexico, i had trouble using my travel card before hand anyway. I can't think straight and i honestly don't have any idea what to do. I'm also guessing there will be some sort of departure tax i have to pay at the airport to leave Cuba. I've come to the point that I'm starting to hate Cuba, i don't really have a reason why, I'm just really over it and want to get back to Mexico and start heading south. I'm also thinking I'm going to have to fly home to sort all this stuff out, get a new ID and bank cards that actually work. But that would be absolute last resort. To be honest i am sitting here wanting to cry. I know it will all work out in the end, but i have no idea what to do in the mean time, i can't talk to anyone because in Trinidad it is like sovereign hill but real life extremely old buildings and horse and karts, very few speak english. I went to the police station here this morning, they are doing a report and trying to see if anyone handed the wallet in to the police in Varadero. I have offered a $200 reward if they find it. I'm literally desperate. I have priced flights home and back again, it will cost me around $3,200 to do that but i really don't have any idea what else to do i could organise new cards but then they would have to be sent over and that could take ages. Also if i get to Mexico and can't use my spare travel card i bassicly have no other choice. But as i said i will have to be basically homeless and unable to get any money what so ever before that is an option!

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so frustrated and angry with myself. I wish there was an easy way around this one but i don't think there is.    

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