Wednesday 10 July 2013

Cuba 6th July


Today i am feeling a lot better than yesterday, i just got extremely worked up about everything. I have also been in contact with dad about it and he has been making some phone calls to try and work out how we can arrange to get some money. Apparently it's a little harder than expected tho. I have finally sorted out the best plan i can for my situation. I am staying here in Trinidad tonight, then early tomorrow morning i will catch a bus to Havana (the capital of Cuba) which cost me $30 for the ticket, and leaves me with $40 left Lucky i have got a map of the city which i had purchased whilst i was there previously. With the map and working out all the addresses of the Australian Embassy, the bus station, the train station and the western union bank, i finally have something to work at. Once i arrive at the bus station in Havana i will then walk 7km to the embassy, which i would say won't be open because it is Sunday tomorrow. So i will pay for one nights accommodation somewhere close by, about $15, i will then go to the Embassy the next day and see if they can help me out somehow. In the meantime i have been eating packets of Saladas because they are $1 per pack and i really can't afford to waste a cent incase the embassy can't help me. I should be able to afford a second night in Havana. If i can't get any help from the embassy, the third night i will stay at the airport, somewhere in a corner i guess, my flight isn't till 2pm the next day. I have worked out that the train station i need to get to the airport is 7km from the Embassy area and cost $2 to the airport. By that time if there is a departure tax to leave the country i don't think i will be able to afford it. This plan is worst case, i'm confident that the embassy will be able to do something for me. 

Today when i handed over the $30 for the bus ticket, it felt like i was giving my life savings away. I was standing there staring at it as i placed it in to the mans hand. The guy at the home stay i am staying at insists on cooking me a free dinner tonight so that is going to help, they have been very friendly and helpful. I was feeling a little empty and bored of salads anyway haha. I never thought i would be hanging out for the time to go by before leaving Cuba. But these days are just dragging out, and i just want some money haha. I don't really have a plan for when arriving in Mexico. I guess i just need to get to a bank and hope i can get some money out of this card.        

Before everyone gets confused. For the currency i have been writing CUC $ and Peso they are all the same thing and one Cuban peso bassicly equals one Aussie dollar 

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