Wednesday 10 July 2013

Cuba 4th July


Frustration…… I woke this morning, i couldn't find my wallet anywhere. I had gone out for drinks last night to meet 2 girls from the Netherlands, who i had met at the internet cafe in Varadero earlier. I wasn't going to go because i couldn't really be bothered, but i thought it would be good to actually hang out with some people. I have been bored by myself without hanging out with other backpackers. I went to this bar on 57th street after i had some dinner, where we had arranged to meet. I must have left the wallet there somewhere or something, i went there this morning but there was nothing handed in. It's just a really big hassle, because it had my visa debit card, visa travel card and also my ID. Half of the time when getting out cash i have been using my visa debit because the travel card hasn't been working. Luckily i still have my spare travel card, but as i said it's hard to find an ATM that excepts it. I'm not to sure what I'm going to do. I am currently in Trinidad and haven't yet contacted the police in Varadero, i will organise that tomorrow. I have organised Sharni to transfer any money in the visa debit account to another account so it can't be used. It's really not what i needed, but again i've learnt my lesson the hard way. Now i won't be taking any cards out with me at all. Cash only

 Anyway what i have been up to the last few days… 

Well i have completed the book Marching Powder, i found myself not being able to put it down, i was so involved in it that i had read the last 180 pages in 2 days. Plus i have found a lot of time to kill being by myself. It's an amazing book and a really good read. 

Yesterday i got a taxi to the golf club and hired some clubs and a golf kart, it was a lot more pricey than i expected $105 it cost all up, but apparently it's Latin Americas number one golf course. When i got to the first tee, there were a few green keepers around. They stood there, watching me take my first hit, haha it had been a while, i started of a little rusty with a few bad shots, but after the first few holes i thought i start playing good. I even pard one of the holes and came very close on many of the others. It is a fairly technical course, when i started out, the green keepers after watching my first shot where trying to sell me 2nd hand golf balls haha i got 10 for $2 and lucky i did haha. It came to the 11th hole, i hadn't lost one ball yet, thinking i was pretty good. Then that 11th hole claimed 7 balls in a row haha. There was a big creek than ran through the middle of the hole and then curved round to run up the right hand side. Some of my best shots of the day with the big driver tho, but i kept slicing them and they would keep swinging way out to the right, i was pissing myself laughing by the 5th ball, i was literally facing at the trees along the left side and no matter what i did they would end up swinging way out to the right and in the water. I was looking around wondering if anyone had seen what was going on because i couldn't believe it haha. After that i didn't loose another ball for the rest of the round, there was even a hole that the creek crossed three times and you had to land in the middle island bits, i even nearly pard it. After the round i snuck over to the back nine again to play a few more holes, i thought i would get my moneys worth. Once i was done, i sat up in the club rooms and had a beer looking out into the ocean and over the course. It was well worth the $100 dollars, made me think i will take up golf again once i return home, I really enjoyed it. I didn't get a taxi back to the hotel i decided to walk back along the beach but it was a lot further than i thought, it took me 3 hours. It must have nearly been 15km. 

Today i went in search of my wallet, no luck. I then caught a bus to Trinidad (5hrs). It's a really old town from many generations ago even all the roads are cobble stone, even the buildings are extremely old, they have left it like this on purpose. I found a little place here once arriving, it's called a home stay, so you just stay at someones house and give them some money haha its kinda weird but i have my own room with a bathroom for $15. I originally planned to come to Trinidad to meet Megan and Hannah, but they have already left and are in Vińales. There is lots of mountains and jungle around this area, it is also famous for its coffee beans that are grown locally. I have paid for 2 nights here and still deciding where to go after this places. Possibly work my way back towards Havana before i fly back to Mexico on the 10th.  

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