Monday 17 June 2013

Merida / Cancun

So i finally have all my phone situation sorted out with Viber working, if you want to msg me on Viber, my new number is   +529993555868. 

I'm currently in Cancun, but i will start from the last couple of days i spent in Merida. 

I was sitting around the pool the following day after my phone was stolen, i got chatting to a guy from Holland (Jesse). He had been in mexico for close to 2 months doing some work as a geologist, he was the same age as me and just out of uni. This opportunity came up so he took it. We went and got some lunch together, not long after that we returned to the pool with some beers, these 2 other guys had just arrived so we ask them to join, they were from England and basically did the trip I'm doing in reverse. so i was really interested in all the stories. They had done Machu Picchu and also hiked a big mountain just out of La Paz in Bolivia, which i've decided i'm going to try and summit they didn't  make it by about 300m, soooo disappointing for them, its altitude is 6,018m above sea level so the altitude sickness kicked in and the had to turn back. I'm pretty keen on getting fit and acclimatised  so i can do it successfully. they had a few stories about things getting stolen and stuff like that. But majority of the time it's due to being out on the street drunk, late at night. We carried on around the pool having beers through the afternoon which soon led into the night. Another guy joined us, an older guy (Simon) who was travelling alone for a few months. He surprised us with his age, looking about 30 and then saying he was 40 so we made him show ID haha because we didn't believe him. So we all got cleaned up and went into town for some dinner and more drinks. Being a friday it was fairly busy, so after dinner we went to a bar, where we drank more haha. They had a pool table so we made the most of it, playing pool for about 3 hours, it was good fun. We played a game where you choose a ball and keep the number in your head and try to be the last to get potted out, you can do some good bluffing. After this we went out to the night clubs in Merida, it was surprisingly good. Good music and lots of people. The next day myself and one of the English guys (Dave) went to the closest beach to Merida, which was Progreso, about 30 minutes in a bus. I took my camera and camera bag with everything in it, so i was a little nervous leaving it on the beach especially after getting my phone taken the other day. But we stayed close to shore and just threw the wyahu ball around, had some lunch, walked the pier and went back. That night we all went out again for dinner. It was a great last couple of days in Merida, also great to have met all those guys. 

The next morning i left on the bus for Cancun, when arriving i could not believe how big it was, really didn't expect it to be so much like a city. After checking in i had a look around and got talking to 2 Aussie guys from Sydney both 24, the had done the US and some of mexico and heading to LA the next day. We went and got some dinner a bit later on, there is a little market place a few blocks from the hostel they had found, with cheap meals so we went there. We got something to eat and a free pina colada with dinner and it all cost $15 Aussie for all 3 of us. Later that night we went back to the hostel because they have a massive drinking deck on the roof on the 4th story with a hot tub and good loud music. The free shots came out at 9 and there was probably 30 or 40 people up on the top deck it was really fun. About 20 of us went out to this MASSIVE club called Coco Bongo's, it was insane never seen anything like it. Afrojack was DJ and they have like naked chicks that do acrobatics above you. It was insanely packed. On entry you pay $60 and just get free drinks all night, it's just something you have to do whilst in Cancun. 
I woke up fine and went to the beach by myself the Aussie guys had left to fly back to LA at 5 in the morning so they didn't sleep haha. I like Cancun but a lot of people have said its over rated but i can understand why. It's only big building and clubs on the beach there isn't really that much more to it, the beach is beautiful tho. I walked right around the beach to this rock wall, to try get some good photos looking back at the beach and city. The waves were crashing hard against the rocks, i thought to myself
 "i should be ok" so i walked along the rocks right to the other end with my camera bag over my shoulder, i did not even see it coming but a huge set of 3 waves came smashing the rocks, i had know idea what had happened it almost felt like someone had pushed me in the back that's how hard it hit me, i was completely drowned, not one bit of dry clothing on me and it nearly sweept me off my feet. Water got into my bag and all over my camera and lenses luckily there semi shower proof. So I made my way quick as i could back towards the beach hoping for another set not to hit. Once i was on the beach i left because a really big storm blew in, it was raining really heavy. So got the bus back towards the hostel. I got off at my stop and went into a shop to get out of the rain for about 5 minutes, then i couldn't believe what i seen it was Jesse from Merida who had left there 3 days ago go to Holbox island and was back in Cancun. I ran out the front and yelled out to him. haha it was so random, we were both laughing because Cancun is massive and we just randomly bumped into each other and turns out his in the same hostel as me, even more funny same room. we got something to eat and came back here. I am currently sitting on the roof typing this drinking a Dos Equis XX beer its 4:30pm here and i'm not doing much at all tonight, probably just get some dinner with Jesse. I leave here tomorrow morning at 7:00 to go to Holbox Island for 6 nights its meant to be really good there. So ill try get some good pics and upload them from there!!!

Hope everyone is well at home, talk to you soon....     


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