Thursday 20 June 2013

Holbox Island

So Holbox Island is by far my favourite place so far it is just amazing!!

I left Cancun 3 days ago at 7:30am. When arriving at the bus station i seen a backpacker, who i picked was Australian the minute i seen him. His name was Richard, really friendly guy and has a real traveler look about him. Turns out he works as a volunteer at the hostel i was heading to, which won hostel of the year in Mexico last year and i can see why. We were also on the bus with another Aussie girl Georgie, she lives and works in Canada and was just travelling for a while. The bus ride was 3 hours, then once we get off the bus, we aboard a ferry and that take us on the 30 minute ride to Holbox. It's a cool feeling arrive here because there are no cars, no roads, just sandy tracks and golf carts. The three of us walked the 10 minute walk to the hostel from the ferry dock. On the walk i was just smiling and thinking "i think i'm going to fit in real well here". Richard had told me about the flamingos up one end of the island, i was pretty excited about that because i had know idea there was any. 
We checked in and had a bit of a tour around the hostel, its such a great layout and awesome chilled out vibe. After check in went straight to the beach and jumped in the water, this was around midday so it was fairly warm by then. The water is just this amazing turquoise aqua colour its amazing. After the swim i hired a bike and went on a mission to find these pink flamingos. I was told to ride all the way along the track until i reached the river, the moment i spotted them in the distance i couldn't believe it, it didn't even seem real. I never took my camera so i just watched them, this day there was probably around 30 of them. The chain had come off on the bike a couple of times during the ride there and i had grease all over my hands, so i thought i would try wash my hands in the river. Then i kind of remembered Richard had said there is crocs in the mangroves, i was looking at the water ahead thinking "ill just back away real slowly". I just cruised back on the bike and got some chicken tacos for lunch. They were the best tacos i have had, soooo tasty. That afternoon didn't do a lot just got to know everyone around the hostel. There is a total of 9 Aussies here and everyone is really fun and gets along like we are best friends, it's awesome. 
Each night the hostel puts on like games and stuff in the bar up stairs. That night was trivia night so we all paired up into teams off 4, it was so much fun. After that, around midnight we all went swimming, because late at night there are lots of plankton in the water and if you swim near them and there defence mechanism is to glow, so this amazing glowing of all the plankton just has a cool feel to it. The water is so clear so you can see everything light up like magic. 

The next morning i woke early to go take photos of flamingos and what ever else i could find. Before i left i got some breakfast, there is this little french bakery around the corner and everything is so good. I was out taking photos for like 4 hours, i thought maybe it had been about 2 hours but i guess i get into the zone with my camera and time flies. 

I rode back at met the the other guys and we spent the afternoon swimming, throwing the ball and walking the beach, where we found a cool little place were we are going for breakfast in about ten minutes. Last night we all went out for dinner and had a quite night, today don't really have anything planned probably read more of my new book 
(Marching Powder) it is a great book, all about Bolivia's corrupt prison in San Pedro. Tonight is going to be another fun night because the hostel owners are leaving for Europe tomorrow, also one of the other girls who has been working here for 7 months is also leaving and its one of the other workers Birthdays so tonight should be good fun. really loving this place feel like i could stay here for months. Anyway i'm off to get some breakfast with everyone so cya later....

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