Thursday 13 June 2013

Hey everyone

So i made it to Merida after a 16 hour bus ride. Which went surprisingly quick. Considering i didn't get any sleep because the roads are so bad and also the drivers, swerving lanes like there just driving a car, probably to miss the meter deep pot holes in the road.. I'm so much happy here, this city and town is great really clean and the people are much friendlier. The second i walked in to the hostel it had a good vibe, with plenty of people and offered free breakfast before i had even checked in. There would have to be around 40 people and everyone hangs out by the pool most the afternoon (there isn't a beach here its an inland town) . Fairly awesome free breakfast daily and an awesome pool for $12 Aussie dollars a night. I made friends with 2 Australian girls, a French girl and a guy from England, they had been staying at the same places along the Pacific Coast and taking the same path Which everyone calls the "Gringo Trail" so they decided to just team up and have been traveling together. I'm really cut i didn't do some more research on this before, because there stories where so good and sounds like everyone goes along that certain route of towns. Instead i went to Veracruz which was such a poor choice on my behalf, but anyway i have a lot more to see and do. I will learn my lesson as i will explain a bit later. The Aussie girls are from Portland both aged 24. Majority of Australians who i have bumped into are from Victoria which is strange. We all had drinks yesterday afternoon around the pool and then went out for dinner, after that we came back to the hostel and had few more drinks by the pool with everyone else, i find it so interesting getting to know everones story… Where they have come from and where they are going, its really amazing to hear about. So much useful advise also. The Mosquitos are really bad tho, they drive everyone insane, so i snuk off and went to bed. This morning woke pretty early. "well Backpacking early" 7:30am. Had my usual muesli with banana and yogurt, from that i moved on quickly, walking towards the bus station to get the earliest bus i could to get, to Chichen Itzà !!!!   One of the seven wonders of the world. It was roughly about 2 hours from Merida. Once i arrived i walked to the gate not really thinking how much it would cost. It was 200… and something Pesos which is about $20 and in this country you can nearly get 2 nights accommodation for that, so i thought it was a little steep (now that I'm a tight ass backpacker anyway). I some how beat the crowd. wasn't half as busy as i expected until i left then the people started packing in by the hundreds. It was really amazing looking at all these ruins thinking that people actually built them in 400 A.C. and just so much detail in everything they done apparently it took them a couple of hundred years (on and off) to complete them. Once i'd looked around for a while and taken a few photos. I went out the front entrance to get a taxi. ( I had seen and read about this famous swimming whole in Mexico, i new it was in the state of Yucatan, so the days prier to going to Chichen Itzà i was googling everything about how to get around and figured that this swimming hole they call ik Kil Cenote (pronounced see-no-tay) meaning sink hole, was only 5kms away and a small fair of 40 peso in a taxi would get me there. That all worked well i arrived paid my entry fee and walked through to the Cenote. It was just amazing exactly what i expected by what it looked like in photos. I wasn't going to swim so i just walked down and took some photos. I was down there and it looked so nice, it is extremely hot here sweating all the time. So i had to go in for a dip (there is hundreds of little cat fish in the water to but they don't bother you) i walked up and spoke with the life guard for a while he could speak english and was nice. I said "can i just leave my stuff up here and ill just jump in and get it in about 1 minute" he said "yeah sure, did you want a photo of you jumping in" I said yes that would be great" I dived in off the big platform (about 6 meters) and then swam back over to the steps and went up again to get me things. He showed me the photos and they turned out good. I then decided to go up and get some lunch at this little cafe. I sat down and thought i wonder what the time is. This is the part i mentioned earlier about LEARNING MY LESSON. I went to get my phone and check the time.... NO PHONE.

Nan Block your ears...

I said FUCK…….. I went straight back down there and said "where is my phone" he acted dumb and said "i don't know" tapping his pockets "someone stole your phone?" he said. I Knew from then it was gone and there was nothing i could do. I was SOOOOOOO pissed off i had many photos and emails and information i needed on it. So i walked out the front and waited for a bus to go back to Merida and over here there is know such things as a bus timetable they just come when they get there. After waiting an hour in the crazy hot sun and extremely humid finally got the bus. The whole way back i was frustrated and angry and i thought to my self  "its basically your fault for leaving it with him, you should know not to trust a single person in countries like this" There was know point getting mad and angry about it. so i went to this plaza in Merida and brought a new one (3rd iPhone in one month) It's just because there so handy to use whilst travelling i don't know how i would go with out it. Also i have all my contacts and things backed up on my laptop, so i got the cheapest iPhone i could get. I'm mostly pissed off about the fact i don't think i can use vibe anymore because i don't have a phone number and also loosing some good photos i had on my phone since the last back up a couple weeks ago now. Anyway no point sooking about it. Its not going to help. besides all that. I'm still having the time off my life and Chichen Itzà and the Cenote (ik kil) where truly amazing today I'm lucky to have visited those 2 amazing places. Ones i will never forget!!!!!!!!! 

catch you all later X

For everyone i write to with Viber sorry i can't reply anymore. Facebook msgs i guess

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