Monday 24 June 2013

Holbox Island / Whale Sharks


Since my last update i have been extremely busy with activities, the night of my last blog was really fun, with the going away drinks and also diego's birthday. The night ended up fairly late and really good, practicing my spanish with the Argentinean girls was funny haha, I'm slowly getting better. The day after my last blog i went on a tour, to swim with Whale sharks, the girls (Sil & Ade) were also on the tour. The guide leader met our group out the front of the hostel at 7am, there was 13 of us. We all walked down to the main pier where the boat was there ready to leave. We left the dock around 7:10 to get started on our long two and a half hour boat trip to get to where the whales feed, way out in the middle of the ocean. Once arriving the guide kind of said well who wants to go first, because you can only swim 2 at a time. I kind of looked around and then put my hand up. To be honest i wasn't nervous one bit, it was just really fun, they look so slow and friendly in the water. It's hard to explain exactly how big they are, some 8 m or bigger they said. Whilst you sit in the boat and wait for everyone to have there go it was fairly rough out at sea, feeling the effects of the night before i was dangerously close to throwing up, but luckily i didn't  Also seen dolphins and one big manterey. We had 2 goes in the water each then left  to go snorkelling at another place nearby, we all got a sandwich for lunch, by that time (1pm) my stomach felt like it was eating its self, because i hadn't eating anything all day. The snorkelling was great i didn't see the turtles, but most the others did. We then went into the mangroves and walked around for a while before coming back and having fresh Ceviche and it was so good (raw fish, onion, tomato and lime juice) so refreshing and healthy. The tour was fantastic loved it. I'm glad that i had my go pro so i could get some decent pics under water, i gave it to Sil & Ade to use as well, so they could get some shots for themselves.

Later that night (also most nights) we went up onto the top story of the hostel on the roof, 4 storeys up they have a cool little place with hammocks and a great view of the sunset. One of the Aussie guys Adi plays guitar and sings, his really awesome. It just suits the mood so perfect. That day while i had been on the tour a couple of Aussie girls from Portland who i had met in Merida arrived. I have mentioned them before in a previous blog. So it was awesome to catch up with them again. They had seen my photos and said "we are coming there" haha. They were really keen on seeing some flamingos. The next day i took them on my own little tour haha, we rode the bikes up to the river but couldn't see any, i said ok we will cross the river and walk along the beach because i new they would be further along. We walked for about 10 minutes. 
I said "stop, can you see them up there" they said " na, where" i pointed and tried to explain. so anyway we kept walking along and get closer, i said again "can you see them up there" by this stage they were clearly visible haha but nope they couldn't see them. Once we walked a bit further up Hannah was like "WOOOOOOOWWWW i can see them" haha we crept along further and walked out in to the water. We got within 30 meters of them, got some photos, then chased them. It looks so amazing when they fly off. 

I spent the last couple of days just hanging out with everyone at the beach and other things, also ate the Burrito of my life haha. Just before sunset everyone kind of just sits at the beach playing Guitar or this amazing little Peruvian drum which gives the most unique sound, its so peaceful and relaxing, i want one. I met such a good bunch of people on Holbox Island. Truly felt like we were a little family. it was just an instant connection. I really didn't want to leave today, the only reason i think i did is because I'm flying to Cuba Tomorrow. Sil & Ade also left with me today so we just caught the ferry a bus together. I would have to say the hardest thing about travelling would be meeting such great amazing people and then having to say goodbye, after such an amazing time together. I also spent a lot of time to myself on Holbox in the early mornings, i loved waking early and going for a swim and then eating breakfast on the beach with my iPod. The kind of place i will visit again!!!!! Best hostel i've ever been to.

I am currently back in the same hostel as before in Cancun before i fly out tomorrow 
hope everyone is well and speak to you from Cuba Xx.

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