Sunday 26 May 2013

Pearl Harbor / Honolulu City / Diamond Head

Another busy day at the office!!! 

Left for Pearl Harbor at around 8:30 this morning. Caught the bus there, thinking entry would cost around 20-30 dollars but when i arrived there was no charge which i thought was strange. Before catching the boat over to the Arizona (the famous ship wreck that lays bellow) everyone went into a little movie room to watch a short film all about the bombings and how it happened and real life footage. it was quite and weird feeling to know what went on there in that exact spot in 1941, gave my goosebumps whilst watching. After that every got onto the boat and went over to the memorial site and looked at the ship still leaking oil and still holding the 1187 bodies that went down with it..... strange feeling thinking about them all still under there!! i didnt stay for to long it was really busy. To make it really weird around the place majority of the tourist where japanese which is weird considering they are the nation that did the attacks. i had some lunch there and quickly went back to the bus stop before my ticket expired. so really it only cost me $2.50 for the tour. on the way back the bus goes straight through Honolulu city and its the same route that i first came through from the airport and i remembered all these nice old buildings so i got off the bus there and decided to have a walk around for a while. The parks and gardens are just so green, colourful and so well looked after.. once i was done i got back on another bus and continued on to Waikiki. I didn't get off at my hostel drop off because by that stage it was only 1:30 so i went on through Waikiki and looked out for the nearest place i could hire a push bike and jumped off there. the guys hiring the bikes were really funny think they may have been smoking some pot, anyway i stayed there for about 20 minutes talking to them and they had little score cards made for all the girls that walked past it was really funny and i ended up paying for the bike with $15 Australian dollars haha because he wanted them because there where so pretty....
i headed off for Diamond Head the mount on the end of Waikiki beach climbed the big hill round the back of it into the crater in the middle where the tourist park is. locked the bike, brought my ticket ( $1 ) and a drink. Then i seen two of the German guys i knew from the hostel and they walked from the hostel and went the long way around the crater and had been walking for 3 hours to get there haha. so we walked up together such an easy hike after the other days effort. Got to the top in about 30 mins and the views where great, had a nice clear day for it as you can see in the pics. When we got to the tourist centre again i got the bike and rode back down town to return it. The Germans and i are having some beers tonight but only a couple because i have to pack all my stuff up and leave at 6:30 am tomorrow to catch my flight to Kauai (one of the other Islands) to camp and hike along the Na'pali Coast just near Hanalei Bay. There is amazing water falls and coastline along there. So this wil be the last post for around a week but im sure i will have plenty to update once im back on the mainland. looking forward to pitching my tent on the beach which is aloud and just realaxing and doing some great hikes up in the mountains and rain forests. cant explain how much im enjoying this so far. and with this blog its so easy and great to explain to everyone what i am up to, rather than repeating to everyone individually. Thanks to Margot's great blog idea haha Thanks.

Ok chat to everyone in a week or so!!!!!!


  1. hi lee been on your blogger looks like your having a great time wayne I hope you get my massage lot me know if you get this wayne love ua mate

    1. Hey Wayne having the time of my life. Absolutely loving every minute. Hope your enjoying the photos and stories. I'm off to Mexico in 4 days. Chat to you soon!!
