Sunday 26 May 2013

Today i went to The North Shore, the most famous surf coast in the world! i just took the city bus from Waikiki and had to do a few transfers onto other buses to make it there, it took about 2 and a half hours but only cost $5 in total. the surf was no good basically flat so i didn't bother going up to where pipeline is so i stopped at a place called Waimea Bay, which i had seen on google images when i was searching things about the North Shore. There is big rocks to one side of the beach that everyone jumps off, Maybe about 5 or 6 meters high. Its such a pretty looking beach, so when the bus came around the corner and as soon as i seen it i let the driver know i wanted to get off. it was hot but every ten minutes or so it would shower rain for about one minute and go again was strange. The first town you get to once you hit the North Shore is Haleiwa and i had to change buses there and spent 30 mins in the town. Its kinda of like Byron Bay or Noosa just a real chilled out small surf town. Really enjoyed North Shore, even tho i spent most the day on the bus or waiting for buses. I still spent about 3 hours on the beach though.

Last night i walked down to the west end of Waikiki beach, because every friday they have a fireworks display down of the jetty. It was crowded with people and they only went for 10 mins it was still good

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