Saturday 1 June 2013

Kauai / Na Pali Coast

Well one of the most amazing hikes i think any one could do!! defiantly the most majestic scenery i have been through in my life....

I flew into Kauai on Monday morning at around 11am, from the airport i was going to have to wait about an hour and a half for the bus so i decided to walk into the town Lihue (about 4km) got to the walmart which the bus stop was there and worked well because i needed to get some supplies for my 5 days out hiking like cooking fuel, toilet paper, food and a few other things. once i done all that i waited for the bus for around 30 mins jumped on and realised that this island seemed a lot more third world than the main island. With a few strange people on the bus to get to the town Hanalei was about an hour and the bus didn't go any further than that any way. From the town Hanalei the start of the hiking trail was another 10 km further so i started walking hanging my thumb out the side of me like a real backpacker trying to hitch a ride!! After about 20 minutes, these two really nice american couple pulled over in there jeep and said "you need a ride" in there American accent. I jumped in and began chatting they were from Montana and on there honeymoon, which i felt guilty about thinking it was meant to be about romance, not picking up bogan Aussie hitch hikers...
they were so friendly and the girl explained to me that they had 40 mins to kill before they could check into the accommodation. Also her friend had told her about this hike and how she had hitched a ride also, so thats why she felt as tho it would be nice to help me out, which it did i really could be bothered walking 10km before even staring the hike.. They dropped me at the trail head and i had a quick look at the public beach and went on my way it was about mid afternoon and really hot. About 2 hours later after climbing rocky big hills with all my gear i finally made it to the camping area and started quickly setting up so i could have a look around.. Thinking that i was in paradise! i couldn't believe where i was for a while. some of the scenes from  Jurassic Park where filmed in the area. I was really impressed with my tent with it being the first time i used this new hiking one and also my mattress. I was just so relaxed and had all the time in the world to do what ever i wanted most of the day i would wake up and go for a hike further along the trail or up to the waterfalls which was just incredible. strange how many wild cats are out there they are just everywhere. I swam under the waterfall, it was a weird scary felling with hundreds of litres of water hitting the top of your head at once falling from 130 metres high. It was also fairly cold. mostly in the afternoons i would lay on the beach and go in for a swim every 30 minutes and in between read Brads book he lent me ages ago called the backpacker i actually couldn't put it down which isn't like me with reading not novels anyway and after the first day realised i was at page 100 without even noticing id read that much. that night i did the same thing with cooking and had my little stove in my tent boiling the water for my dinner. With my little cooker catching my tent on fire and me swearing and carrying on trying to put it out, half the fly wire on one side of my tent now gone. I was pretty pissed off, so it was outside cooking from there. the third day i did a big hike in the morning about 5km further up the coast to a big canyon and sat and rested there for a while. on the way back i could here voice as i was walking along the trail, i came out from around the corner and here were these two American ladies about 35, taking a piss in the middle of the track, i seen them first, my heart missed a beat and thought shit what the hell do i do, they started screaming in embarrassment and i was like shit sorry ill go back up the track then a minute later they yelled out where clear now. haha we all had a laugh about it and they wouldn't stop apologising. 
Once i got back to camp i went to the other end of the beach and walked along the big rocks which follows the cliffs around for about 300 meters to a little secret beach with a huge cave as i went to go in the cave 3 birds came flying out, aiming straight at my head. I panicked and ran the other way with them still trying to swoop me. I left them alone and went further back along the rocks and sat there for about an hour with awesome views off the beach and my camp area. As i was sitting there i seen this massive round thing in the water and jumped up nearly loosing my ipod into the water. It was a big TURTLE i couldn't believe it all I've been wanting to see whilst in Hawaii is a see turtle if i had my go pro i would of jumped in after him to get a photo. I was like a little kid jumping around talking to my self TURTLE TURTLE haha. it made my day really. With my food situation getting low i decided to call it off early, it was ment to be 6 day but had to leave today, i was down to my last muesli bar. So i walked out this morning and started walking the 10km into town again hanging my arm out the side as if it was nothing unusual. I walked about 3km before someone was kind enough to pull over and jumped in with another American guy from San Francisco he was nice just on vacation with some friends. did not meet any Aussies on this island at all. 
So anyway got back to Hanalei and first thing i did whilst the sun was still out (it tends to be sunny mornings cloudy arvos) was hire a bike and rode around Hanalei bay to the famous pier is and got a couple of photos and had a swim after than i returned the bike and went to find something to eat it was about 1 and all id had was the one muesli bar, hiking with all my gear was handwork and made me hungry. Found a nice sandwich bar and fresh juice, which was exactly what i felt like sat down with about a half hour till the bus came so i could catch it to where i am now in Kapa'a where id seen a hostel on the way on the first day here. Kyle told me today about the Hawaiian 70.3 ironman on here on the big island, part of the 70.3 world series so straight away i jumped on the net to look at flights over to there tomorrow and ive organised it so i fly back to honolulu tomorrow at 4 and fly out at 5:30 to Kona on the big island i could find accommodation, but im sure i will find something over there if not ill jump camp out. i wasnt going to but then i thought why not theres really nothing stopping me it only cost $170 return flight. They also use parts of the same course for the Kona world ironman championships in October. 

There is probably so much more i could say but time for bed. ill put a heap of photos up for everyone to look at. and show you just how amazing this place was.

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