Sunday 12 January 2014

Colombia / Minca

Returning from Tayrona we went back to our hostel to collect a few things we didn't take to the national park, we pretended we were leaving for Minca that day when really we weren't, we just wanted to change hostels because we needed a shower and shave and a proper freshen up, the bathrooms there were horrible, so we changed to this hostel also in Santa Marta that had only been open for 8 weeks, everything was fresh and clean and new, we had a freshen up then later a few drinks with the Argentinian that was in our dorm room. Early the next morning we headed off to Minca which was a nice little village up in the mountains that overlooked Santa Marta, it also offered down hill mountain biking, coffee plantation tours and many waterfalls. We spent two night there at a really cool little hostel a 15 minute walk further up the hill from the village. We seen Ellie and Rich there also and most the people from the hostel went into town for dinner and drinks, it was a really fun night. We had been told about this BBQ grill half way up the hill on the way to the waterfalls, that next day we went to the waterfalls and swam for a little but the water was really icy so it didn't last long, we walked back in the rain to the famous BBQ, it was really good, we sat there under the shelter watching the Toucans in the trees around us, they are such an amazing bird, unfortunately i didn't get any pictures because my camera battery died at the waterfalls.

Minca was a great little chilled hippie village, our next stop was to Cartagena where Sam and Chloe were, we made the 8 hour trip early that next day. 

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