Sunday 12 January 2014

Colombia / Cartagena

Once arriving in Cartagena from the bus terminal we got a local bus into the central part of the city, getting off the bus in centro we had no idea were to go, we asked around for the hostel we were after but no one had any idea where it was so we just kept asking everyone eventually we got some directions and found it within an hour or so. Cartagena pronounced (Cartahena) was really cool in the old city within the walls, which the walls were built hundreds of years ago around the city to keep the spanish from attacking and taking over. It was so hot in Cartagena, everyday just sweating, we went to check out the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas 

which was the fort that they fought in to protect the city, it was really impressive with so many underground tunnels running in every direction bellow the fort. I didn't use my camera the whole time i was in Cartagena, i don't really like taking it out in the big cities. i just have a few photos of what we got up to around the city.     

We met up with Sam & Chloe one of the nights and went for dinner to this English pub drinking English pints, we always had heaps of fun when the four of us met up, there was one downside to the night when harry got caught peeing in public, the cops are so corrupt they just ask for cash or your going in the cell, he had to pay them $40. But all in all it was a good time. 

We also met another cool couple in our hostel Martin & Laura from Melbourne, we only met them briefly but gave them some good advice for the north of Colombia, we have kept in touch with them on Facebook and i actually met them last night for dinner here in BaƱos with another Canadian couple. It's so funny how you meet the same people over and over its really cool. Cartagena was where Harry made the decision to book a flight from Bogota, Colombia to London to surprise his family over there for Christmas, his brother lives in London so the family was doing a winter Christmas, it was only 4 days before Christmas that he booked the flight, so from Cartagena we made our way down south to Bogota. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee…We met on a flight from Toronto to Lima. I keep hoping to read about your adventures in Peru! Your travels are very entertaining, somewhat scary at times, and always interesting! Hope all is well!
