Monday 11 November 2013

St Martin

The following day the ship arrive in St. Martin. I woke in the room, Harry was not in the room again this was the last island for the trip, so i wasn't keen on wasting time trying to find Harry so i went up stairs got some breakfast then left the ship. St. Martin i remembered was famous for the beautiful beach right at the start of the international airport, i walked out to where people catch the taxis and got on board a mini van that was heading to the beach named Sunset Beach. 

I could not believe what i was seeing when we arrived there, it was one of the most incredible things i have seen. The beach was amazing as it was, not to mention the sound and feeling of a jet that size only 15 meters above your head was something you cant explain in words! As the big jets were taking off there were people hanging onto the fence behind them, getting extreme wind blast from the jet engines, i took some good video of the people doing it. the biggest jet of the day was Air France, it almost looked the it was coming in to hit the beach, 

Basically after Air France landed a lot of people left the beach making it more relaxing with not so many people, the day was really hot, possibly the hottest day on the islands. St. Martin was just great, it made it so special to witness something like that, i had seen photos for years of this beach with the jets landing so close, it was a weird feeling when i arrived and was actually standing there!

To sum up the cruise, it was one of the best things i have done in my life, Harry and I were just literally blown away at how ridiculous it was, we laughed on a number of occasions, just how crazy it was that we are meant to be backpacking on a budget, and there we were on a monster cruise ship getting treated like kings, living the dream. What an amazing experience it was..... 

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