Friday 8 November 2013

St Kitts & Nevis

Harry and I woke early on the ship, we did the usual thing and went to get some breakfast before getting off the ship in St Kitts & Nevis, we got a local taxi to one of the famous beaches, the drive there was amazing high up on a mountain ridge with the Caribbean Sea one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other, it was a real magic place up there! 

The sun was pounding down, cause the sand to burn our feet, we loaded up on the sun screen before jumping in the water. There was a large rock wall at this beach with lots of bright colourful fish, so the snorkelling was really good, we spent around 2 hours there just snorkelling, swimming and laying in the sun! 

After we had been at the beach for a while, Harry and I organised a taxi to another beach on the island. the cost we were told should have been a standard rate of $4, the guy drove there like a maniac, speeding and cutting corners, once arriving the guy demanded we pay him $24, he was a huge black crazy guy that stood about 7 ft tall. We said to him not a chance it's meant to be $4, he started to loose his mind, by this stage it was obvious he was on drugs, he was spitting and his eyes were rolling around in his head from the anger. I had my camera around my neck and the monster grabbed it and started trying to rip it away from me, i screamed at Harry "just give him the fucking money" it wasn't worth arguing once he had ahold of my camera, Harry continued to try and bargain him down, so again i yelled at Harry, i pushed the guy yelling at him to let go of my camera. Harry eventually gave the money and we walked away. Afterwards i felt a little weak and shakey, thank god that has been the only encounter i have had so i'm lucky! I was so angry about it tho..

We spent a while at that beach, having some lunch and swimming around for a while, it was a nice little chill out spot, the weather was cooking hot, I'm actually looking forward to getting a little further south so the temps drop a little, i'm sick of sweating everyday, it's basically been super hot for the full six months i have been away!!

Later that evening when i was on the ship, i went to the top deck to lay on the day beds, listening to my ipod i noticed a huge twister sucking up water from the ocean way in the distance everyone stood up and watched it for a couple of minutes, i said to the American couple next to me " how long do you think that will last " before they could even answer i was running to the room to get my camera, it was at least 5 mins there and back. By the time i arrived back up top the twister had gone, i have never seen anything like it, i managed to get a shot of the storm it was in but totally missed the twister. I was so disappointed, it would have made for an epic photo. It also happened to be a full moon too.

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