Saturday 26 October 2013

San Juan, Puerto Rico / Before The Caribbean Cruise

Harry and I flew to Puerto Rico the following day, our flight was with Copa Airlines, they were great i thought, we arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico and caught the local buses to the hostel we chose to stay at. The Palace Hostel was terrible, in a horrible area that felt unsafe and dirty, so our first impression of Puerto Rico wasn't very good. We didn't do a lot the 3 days before, just organised some things to post home and so cash at the banks, we cooked all of our meals before the cruise just trying to save some money. On the 12th of October the world Ironman championships (Kona) was on, the biggest race of the year, so i sat in the hostel for 10 hours and streamed it live. I loved it. It makes me feel extremely guilty for eating bad and not really doing much exercise, but I'm on holidays so i don't really mind even tho i have put on about 10kgs haha. Harry and I were getting so excited for the cruise and the day came around quick we got a bus down to the port where the ship was, when we first seen it we were both just laughing like little kids about to go into Disney Land, the size of it was just outrageous, we had never seen anything like it in our life. Before getting on we went to the super market and brought some water, alcohol, sun cream and a few other things. We hid two bottles of straight alcohol in our bags to take on, it went smooth and nothing was seen, once stepping foot on the ship we just didn't know what to do or what to think, it was just a whole different would. The ship was filled with all kinds of amazing restaurants and bars you can eat at anytime you like and as much as you wanted, with amazing food. The cruise departed around 10:30pm by this stage Harry and I were a little drunk, we were excited and loving life, later on we ended up in the spa with all these big black American girls, one of them was sitting on Harry, it was so random and funny. The ship was departing for it's first port of call St Thomas. Basically we got full days on the islands and would travel between them through the night, at first i found to quite weird with the ship moving a little, there was times whilst in the casino or walking around that you would stubble your steps or sway a little as if you had drank to much

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