Wednesday 4 December 2013

Canima National Park

Arriving at Cuidad Bolivar it was dark and a little sketchy in the terminal, we got a cab that was barely staying together, to a Posada there called Posada Don Carlos ran by a German guy, it was a well recommended and we could see why, it was beautiful. We got there late, once arriving in the cab we got out and there was a tiny little lady across the road from it offering to cook us dinner, it was very quiet in the street so once checking in the four of us went across for dinner. She was so nice and we sat talking while she slowly prepared everything and cooked it in front of us. 

The following day we didn't do much had a little look  around the city and later on organising out Angel Falls tour! We left the next day around 7 am to the airport, all four of us excited for our flight. We had something to eat and waited for a while for our flight. Within 20 minutes we walked onto the runway ready for our flight! 

We got in the tiny little 6 seater Cessna and away we went, the most incredible flight i have ever been on. It just felt like you were actually flying, the views of the amazon where just beyond amazing. An hour flight landed us in Canima Village where we got on a safari truck and went to our camp, after having a bite to eat we headed of for angel falls. It was an easy journey, we started with the 5 hour woden boat ride along one of the river systems, having to get out and walk on a number of occasions, due to the low river levels and the rapids.  

After stopping for a short break and a swim we continued the journey further into the jungle, with the landscape becoming more secluded and the jungle more dense, we really felt far away from civilisation, arriving at the camp everyone chose the hammocks and went of for short walks to better view the distant Angel Falls! 

We had some dinner and Sam, Chloe, Harry and I played cards for hours before going to bed. We woke for sunrise and got some great photos of the sun beaming on to the falls, after breakfast the group made there way across the river ready for the 2 hour hike up to the bottom of the falls through think jungle and rugged beaten tracks. 

An hour and a half in to the hike brought us to a lookout point, this point is where all the famous photos of the falls are taken from, it was a little cloud but it actually made for some better shots i thought, adding a little more drama to it. From there we walk a further 30 minutes to a swimming hole a little closer to the falls, this place just blew my mind it was like some magical fairy land i had never seen before, the water was so cold but really refreshing after our sweaty hike. I didn't want to leave the place, i could have stayed there for hours, after our refreshing swim and some tranquilo time we made our way back to camp. 

We got back to the campsite packed our things and made the venture back to Canima Village, having a few beers with everyone from the group was good fun, it sound led into going down to the small bar they have in the village. Two of the girls from the tour Amaia and Miah from spain were giving harry and i salsa lessons, it was such a fun night and the girls were heaps of fun!

Sapo Falls was on the list for the following day, we left the village at around 8am, walking to the lake about 10 minutes away we got aboard a boat, going past 4 waterfalls feeling the mist as the thick mass of water fell close beside the boat. From the other side of the lake we parked the boat and walked for 30 minutes to reach Sapo Falls, we all took our shoes off to do the slippery rock walk behind the falls. Literally walking behind these falls was amazing, the noise was so loud we could barely hear what one another were saying, from the other side we took some photos and had showers under the falls seeing who could go under the heaviest amount of water, it being so heavy and strong you could barely keep your head from being pushed down! We walked back to the village after Sapo and had to pack our things to leave, we had such an amazing time on this tour, i know i keep saying the best tour yet but this one was really special...

After packing the safari truck drove us the short distance to the village air strip, our flight out was delay by 2 hours so we sat there playing cards to fill in time. We were laughing because the air strip had dogs, kids, motorbikes, cars and everything else just moving around everywhere, nothing had security or anything like that, once our plane arrived we walked over got it and before we even sat in the seat properly we were moving and flying within 30 seconds. The flight back was a little nerve racking because of the lack of petrol but it was mire beautiful than the flight over, we had patches of rain around causing rainbows which really made the pictures more stunning. At one stage the fuel gauge was saying 0 Gallons left and flashing red, we were all kind of looking at each other, many thoughts were going through my head haha. Canima National Park and Angel Falls was one of the best experiences of my life. 

                             its just a whole other world out there in the amazon.... 

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