Friday 15 November 2013

Trinidad and Tobago

Harry and I left from our hostel in Puerto Rico catching public transport, as we already knew it was unreliable, we were waiting for a transfer and panicking we wouldn't make our flight. We made it to check in with 15 minutes to spare, also we were questioned for a while about where we are going and what we are doing, having to prove on ward travel, we just explained we were catching a ferry from Trinidad to Venezuela, the lady brought it and we were on the flight in no time. Our flight was from Puerto Rico to Miami with a two hour connection, where i brought a little portable speaker to travel with, then Miami to Trinidad. Flying over the Bahamas was amazing, the tiny islands are just scattered around the Caribbean makes an interesting flight. 

Arriving in Trinidad was late around 10:30pm, we had to pay $67 entry to the country which we weren't happy about. We got a taxi to a hotel close to the airport, it was funny Harry and i were on the flight and literally had no information about Trinidad and Tobago what so ever, we didn't know if it was a spanish speaking country or anything. we left the next day to Port of Spain which is the capital about 40 mins from the airport. It we didn't feel safe at all in the city everyone stared at us as we walked around, we did not see another tourist the whole time we were there. We walked around trying to find accommodation but it was all just filth, we eventually found a hotel for cheap but it was a weird place. We stayed for 2 nights one of the days going to a beautiful beach called Maracas Bay, there is were the famous bake & shark was started, which is basically a fish burger with all these amazing ingredients, very good and super tasty. We swam there for a few hours and then had another bake & shark haha, whilst waiting for the bus, we also brought beers to fill in time... 

We woke early the next day to catch the ferry to Tobago (separate island). It was a 3 hour ferry ride to Scarborough, the capital of Tobago. We got a taxi from there to a place we had seen on the net called Fish Tobago, it was so awesome there the owner Brandon was really cool and hung out with us like mates. He took us deep sea fishing the following day, we went way out till we could not see land anymore, the 3 meter swells were rocking the boat like crazy, surprisingly i didn't get sick. We were fishing on hand lines and caught around 20 fish each so our hands were all cut up when we finishes especially when the big fish hooked up. We caught around 60 tuna and a couple cavalli. it was so much fun, we were out there for 6 hours, Harry and i ate fish for the next few days every meal, making the best meals ever for no cost, it was amazing. 

Brandon also took me to a place where there were hundreds of humming birds, he didn't charge me anything, we hitch hiked there and back and got some awesome Photos. Tobago was so much better than Trinidad, a lot better set up for tourism. 


We caught the ferry on a Wednesday to Guiria, Venezuela, the only time it runs once a week, it cost us $115 each and took around 4 hours to get there. We had a good 8 days in Trinidad & Tobago, mostly Tobago..

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