Wednesday 30 October 2013


From St Thomas we had a full day at sea, heading all the way down to Barbados. Harry and I hung out in the sun just having beers most the afternoon which later led into the night, the first night on the ship we met two girls from Canada, mother daughter named Cat and Sam, they were really cool and we spent a lot of time hanging out with them and others, Harry and I had been in the Casino playing on roulette, playing red or black basically Scott ( Wild ) taught me this theory. You start on one colour and put say $5 on it, if it looses you put $10, if that looses you put $20 and keep doubling your bet until it lands on your colour, the trick is to have enough money to back yourself at least 8 times and also don't place a bet until it has been one colour 3 times in a row, and you double you first bet ( $5 ). It worked well, we both won some good money! 
It was so fun because Harry and I felt like we were in Las Vegas just winning all this money and living it up! We arrived in Barbados the following day, a short taxi ride took us to a beach where Rihanna just brought a house for 22 million, it was huge the taxi driver explained how it used to be a hotel and Rihanna had brought it for her mother. We spent a while at the beach pretending we were staying in one of the hotels there, using there day beds and ordering free drinks. The taxi driver came back for us a few hours later, driving us to where the house was Rihanna grew up in as a child, then to another beach called "the boat yard", they had towers and rope swings to use and the water was possibly the bluest i had ever seen! We went back to the ship around 4pm, each afternoon we got back on the ship we would go to our favourite little sandwich bar to eat, the staff ended up become our friends. It was back to the Casino that night meeting some Puerto Rican girls, we had a few drinks at the bars and clubs around the ship before going to bed. I really enjoyed Barbados, the people were friendly, city was clean and beaches were beautiful..

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