Friday 7 June 2013


Well things are real now, from one extreme to the other. Beautiful quite beaches and jungles to crazy busy streets and big building. But in saying that they are both great in there own way. 

I left my hostel in Waikiki early about 4 hours before my flight, just to be sure. Once i got there and checked in i had a lot of time to fill in so i laid out side (because inside is freezing everywhere you go inside in Hawaii even the busses) out the front of my gate i laid listening to my iPod and just relaxing. There was a restaurant inside, it looked like it had nice food. After being outside for an hour or so, i kind of thought this could be the last really nice meal i have haha. So i went in and ordered a creamy risotto with a glass of red. 

Once boarding my flight, i sat next to this american girl that had moved over to Hawaii to do a collage degree she had been there for 2 years and only 22, living the dream on the north shore. She was on a flight home to see her family in Utah. Our flight was behind schedule by about 15 minutes and my connection in LAX was only 1 and a half hours and check in closed 1 hour before, What didn't help is i had know idea where to go. 
As soon as we got off i started running through everyone, I asked at an information desk, they said platform 6 and that it was on the other side of the airport. That made me panic worse than i already was, as it always goes when your in a hurry people are slow in front and block your way. Once out on the ground platform i realised i was at number 2. My fast scurry then became a sprint, it would have been at least 2km to where i needed to get to. Finally got there and check in was closed by 5 minutes.....
I said i am not missing this flight my bag is on there and I'm going on. The lady said "Calm Down" i said i need to be on there. by this stage it was 7:10 am and my flight was leaving at 8am, i still needed to get through security bag check and customs!! She actually let me get my ticket which surprised me normally there heartless and would just so no. I rushed through security and everything and made it to my gate at final boarding call. I was so happy i really didn't want to go through the hassle of waiting around and probably having to pay another fair. 
The flight was only 3 hours from LA, so we were there in what felt like an hour. It is unbelievable flying into Mexico City, from above the city just goes as far as you can see, which ever way you look. I was off the plane and waiting at the baggage claim and after about 5 minutes of  the bags coming out it kind of didn't surprise me that mine did not make it, because of the fast connection, so i have had no clothes, soap, deodorant, jocks or anything haha. Good news came this morning, my bag has arrived and will be delivered to my hostel today....

I walked around the city yesterday to have a bit of a look around, the hostel is probably in the best location it can be really. The main shopping mall and Centro Cathedral 
(in the photo)  so really happy with the location, the hostel is also very clean and new. 
The best thing of all is when i checked in, they didn't ask me to pay the balance which i realised later on so for the 4 nights with a really good buffet breakfast I've only paid $6 in total !!


Today i am going to walk all the way to the other end of the shopping mall, which takes you to a big park area and some nice museums. It's surprising how old and nice all these big building are. The people are a lot friendlier than expected. Yesterday i had some school students come up to me, they were probably about 16. They wanted to have a conversation in English in front of me on camera, for me to judge on how well they spoke. The girl spoke well i could understand what she was trying to say, with the other boy it was a little bit hard to make out what he was trying to say. but i gave them a good review. 
In my room i have a mexican guy his really nice, he is really proper and speaks pretty good English, so he has been helping me out with my Spanish. I leave here in a couple of days and i have to organise a bus ticket to Veracruz where i have booked 3 nights, maybe ill stay longer if i like it. Its North East of Mexico City on the Caribbean Coast. 

Ok i have thing to see and do so update again soon

Hope my bag arrives today!!!!!!

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