Sunday 9 June 2013

Mexico City / Veracruz

On the second last night in Mexico City, i was sitting out in the lounge area at the hostel and noticed a guy come up the stairs to check in, we both looked at each other and at the same time said "Aussie" we both laughed. Turns out (Dave) was from Colac. Dave had been travelling the US and South America for the last 4 months with one of his best friends, who had missed his flight from Peru to Mexico City!! we got chatting for ages after he checked in, we realised we new some of the same people from back home haha it was so random. The next morning i was going to find the bus station to organise my ticket for Veracruz and then go to the zoo. Dave had nothing to do so he came along with me which helped a lot, because he can speak a little bit of Spanish, so catching the metro train to the other side of the city was easy. Before going in the station we had something to eat from a little food stall in a market. It was the best thing i have eaten so far!! we got the ticket sorted then went and got a taxi to the zoo. The zoo wasn't very flash. Given that it was free entree it didn't really matter. all the animals were doped out, we thought it was kind of cruel. After that we walked for ages trying to work out how we were going to get back to the centro (where our hostel was). We ended up just getting on any bus and it nearly took us to the doorstep. We then went and found a little bar, ordered some beers and pizza and sat there drinking and talking all about his trip for ages. So many awesome stories. after that we went back to our hostel, around 7pm and had a few coronas there, but it was quite and boring. Dave had seen a hostel around the corner that had a bar in it downstairs so we walked around there!! They had good music and we jumped on a table with a couple of irish guys. This was really were the night begun. haha had heaps of laughs, Dave was making me order the beers, if i stuffed up trying to order in Spanish i had to skull, i was getting it mostly right. From there we went to a night club across the road and meet a few other people also. Really surprised with Mexico City after all the bad reviews i had heard, but i actually enjoyed it, i didn't find it to be dangerous at all. I left the night club around midnight, i had a bus at to catch at 8am. So i wasn't keen on missing that...

I didn't mention but because of the altitude of Mexico City being 7500 ft, i felt a little weird for a few day and sleepy it was strange, i noticed my breathing was heavier also.

So the next morning i woke and made my way to the bus station. ready for Veracruz.
 This bus was great. Reclining chairs, aircon, tvs and they also gave you drinks. The trip was 6 hours, going through some amazing landscape and big mountains but possibly the worst driver in the world. When arriving in Veracruz i left the extremely busy bus station and walked around the corner  to find a cafe where i had a club sandwich i was so hungry after not eating for 6 hours. I then got a taxi to my hostel. Turning up i was thinking "this can't be it" but yeah it was, its a shitty place and not much to say about this town either. The guy that runs the hostel is an Aussie, his a real fat sweaty creep and trying to be my friend. When i first got there he said "put your bags down its about beer o'clock" haha so we went into the disgusting kitchen and he poured us a beer each. It was silent and the conversation didn't really flow so it was really uncomfortable. I finished my beer fairly quickly and said "ok lets check me in". He was nice enough to upgrade my room to one with aircon, because now I'm down at sea level its really hot and humid here, like darwin kind of weather. There is only myself and one other staying here and straight away i started looking were to move on. When i booked here i booked 3 nights and apparently he was trying to make me stay 4 by saying they have a deal pay 3 stay 4. haha i said "na i think ill make it 2 nights" so yeah leaving on tuesday think I'm going straight up to Merida up near Cancun. This area isn't big with tourist and i don't really like it, so bussing it to Merida!! It might cost a bit and take 16hours but at least ill be somewhere i like more than here.

Ill Blog again from Merida where it might be a little more interesting!

Hasta Luego (Goodbye)

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